
June 30, 2008

Is there a 12 Step Program For Bad Cooks?

Oh, my gosh! I need a 12 step program. I put eggs on to boil & ran upstairs to get my calendar. But I saw I had a few emails & began answering them. Then the phone rang & I talked for about 15 minutes. I checked my emails again & realized the attachment I had tried to send did not go through so I sent it again. I heard a funny sound downstairs but thought it was the neighbor children playing with firecrackers in preparation for July 4th. I began to fret about them setting those off late at night on the 4th and got mad already about the noise to come. I heard another sound & thought I better hurry & finish this email & check it out. Something was starting to smell. Gee, I better wait on the email & see what that is. As you have guessed, the eggs exploding were the sounds I heard. White & yellow matted debris lined the wall behind the stove & the floor. The kitchen smelled like my 10th grade chemistry classroom. Oh, you may think me a fool, but at least I did not pick up the pot with my bare hand, but used a towel to get it to the sink. Sigh. Good thing Marty is gone for four days. Maybe by then the smell will be gone.


Becky Moseley said...

Oh dear. Sounds similar to what usually happens when I cook.

Erica said...

haha, if you ever find that program sign me up. Loved having you at mom's group two weeks ago.