
January 28, 2010

Don't Take Your Children Places Where They Have to Be Bad

Have you ever been in a nice restaurant, Macy's china department or even Home Depot and seen children out of control and exasperated parents? Years ago I was just such a parent with two wild little boys making me crazy while my husband and I shopped at Home Depot. Each boy got a swat on the rear and we all came home miserable.
Once we were home and the kids banished to their rooms, I called my mother-in-law to vent. She said, "Dahlin, never take your children places where they have to be bad." Well, what did that mean? She said stores like Home Depot are not made for children and a long trip to a store like that is asking for trouble. She said it was the same principle with a nice restaurant. "That's why there are Chili's, Red Robin & other loud restaurants that welcome families and even have children's menus."
Common sense told me her words were true and wise. I felt terrible for swatting them and realized I was the one who needed to be spanked for taking them somewhere they had to be bad. Perhaps, dropping me at a playground with the boys would have been a better choice while my husband hit Home Depot. Lord knows he would have loved not being rushed through his favorite store.
So, next time gals, think about where you are going and if it might just be better suited to go without the kids.

1 comment:

J. Cook said...

I so agree Mimi....I often feel bad for tired kids I see at restaurants later in the evening or out shopping at the mall when it is clearly bed time. So as a parent, I have tried not to take my kids to places that require them to behave beyond what is expected of them for their ages. I also try to keep in mind their bedtimes so that I am not expecting them to act properly way past 8:00 in the evening.
Now I have only learned this the hard way-by living through the tantrum tantrums, melt downs, and tears (some of those mine). I do want my children to learn how to behave in stores, restaurants, ect, but I also know in time and as they mature, I will be able to expose them to the "Home Depots, Macy's, and La Fondue's of the world." And then it will be a much more pleasant experience for all of us.
Thanks for the reminder.....and for passing along wisdom learned from your dear MIL.