
October 14, 2009

Discouragement a Choice?

Recently, I read an article by Rick Warren titled "Discouragement Is a Choice". Typically, I would not counter anything Rick Warren would state, but this one caused me to ask the question of myself. His article gave reasons why we allow discouragement to consume us. However, it seems to me it is actually a choice on my part to be the inflictor of discouragement or to encourage.

Warren's article quoted passages from Nehemiah as the people became weary of rebuilding the wall, especially when the "nay-sayers" continually chipped away at their efforts. This can happen to us, too, can't it? A trial may seem to go on forever fearing the weight of the debris will never lift. But that's where God instructed Nehemiah to go to the people and give them courage to continue. He gave them ideas and a plan to move forward. Sometimes I need someone to grieve with me, but also to give me reason to get up from my pit of dispair.

Many of us have seen people pull away when they are discouraged. Unfortunately, we may not always realize they are going through something so we don't think to pursue them. But I wonder, do we really not see they are in pain? Perhaps they said something hurtful to us and we now stand offended. The Holy Spirit may be asking our heart at this point, "You have a choice to encourage and reach out or you have the choice to discourage by leaving them as they are."

Now wait a minute! It's not my fault they are in this mess. I didn't do anything wrong so why is the monkey on my back to be the encourager?

"A new commandment I give you to love one another." John 13:34
"By this all men will know you are My disciples if you love one another." John 13:35
"This is My commandment that you love one another, just as I have loved you." John 15:12

"Just as I have loved you." Well, that's our answer to the question whether to chose to encourage. Jesus did not wait for us to figure our situation out. He was hurt by our decisions. But while we were yet in our sin and pain, He died for us. He reached out to us and calls to be His hands and feet to a troubled world...and even a troubled acquaintance.

Oh, Lord help us to remember how You reached down to us. Help us to remember how others have responded to Your Holy Spirit to be Your hands and feet. Help us to make the choice to be Jesus to others and choose to encourage.

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