
June 4, 2010

What'd You Have?

There's a wonderful drive-in/eat-in restaurant in Atlanta called The Varsity, home of the most wonderful, artery clogging onions rings on earth. When you step up to the counter or drive up to the car hop you'll hear "What'd you have?" and you better be ready with your order. It's a busy place with little time to contemplate a choice, but that's part of the experience.

Contemplating a choice isn't always so easy, the Lord doesn't rush us into making important decisions. He actually calls us to seek Him for the choice to make. I'm battling just such a choice right now. My flesh wants to choose resentment that I have been neglected by a friend. I can work myself up to all the ways that I am innocent and the friend is at fault, but the Lord is asking, "What'd you have?" Do I really want to choose resentment or do I choose to see that this friend has issues I may not be aware of? Honestly, I am aware of some of the issues, so I have to ask myself if it is all about me or do I love this person enough to place them ahead of my own feelings.

In my eyes, this friend doesn't "measure up" the way a friend should. However, holding a grudge, is sort of like eating at The Varsity. It feels good at first, but after a while you start to feel a little sick. No, I do NOT choose to resent this person. I choose to love when the Lord asks "What'd you have?"

1 comment:

Martha Jane Orlando said...

Very inspiring and insightful, Mimi. I've struggled with the same issues this past year and the Lord has provided wisdom and guidance when I've most needed it. I think it's clear that we both know what we want to have!