
September 3, 2011

Good Husband Gossip

While visiting friends in Atlanta a few years ago, I had a perfect opportunity to get a jab at my husband, Marty, for what I thought at the time would be an amusing story of one of his little faults. Rather than cutely "bashing" him, I made the conscious decision not to expose this area regardless how funny it was.

A few minutes later while Marty was out of the room, I told a different story. One that exposed one of Marty's God inspired qualities: his desire to love others. The couple learned more about Jesus by this example of Marty's great love for those who daily cross his path.

What I didn't know is Marty was standing just outside the room and heard my story which ultimately built him up as a man who chooses to love. He was so blessed to hear me speak so highly of him. I also didn't know that, at the time, Marty was quietly suffering under the feeling he was failure as a provider, husband and child of God. Sadly, he resonated more with the story I was prepared to tell of his faults. Yes, others would have laughed and he would have, too. But hearing me speak of his character and love reminded him of the truth of who he was and Whose he was.

What good gossip are others hearing about your man? Does he ever overhear it? Try picking up this good habit.

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